Data Opt Out

GP Extraction Opt Out – Type 1

Prevent information from being shared outside GP practices for purposes other than direct care. This can be done at GP practice level by adding a read code to patient record.

To register your preference, please fill out our Register your Type 1 Opt-Out Preference form.

National Data Opt Out – Type 2

Prevent information being shared outside NHS Digital for purposes beyond the patient’s direct care.

If patients wish to apply Type 2 National Data Opt Out they must do this directly with NHS Digital.

They can do this in a few ways:

1. By visiting and following the instructions

2. Emailing

3. Calling 0300 303 5678 (lines are open Monday -Friday 09:00-17:00)

4. Writing to:

National Data Opt Out
Contact Centre
NHS Digital
HM Government
7 and 8 Wellington Place