A new mental health helpline for patients, public and professionals.
NSFT has set up a First Response 24/7 helpline offering immediate support to anyone for mental health difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic.
GPs and Primary Care can use this line to seek advice, information and refer people. There is a specific option for professional callers, this option is offered when the number is called.
The free phone number, which is staffed by mental health professionals from the Trust, will provide reassurance, self-help advice, support and signposting designed to prevent people from going to the region’s emergency departments (EDs) during the crisis.
It is available to members of the public of any age, regardless of whether they are an existing NSFT service user.
The line is also open to other healthcare professionals, such as ambulance staff and GPs, as well as social care colleagues and police personnel who may need advice when working with individuals who are undergoing mental health difficulties or may wish to refer someone.
The following communication reflects how mental health services in Norfolk and Waveney are operating in the COVID-19 pandemic: