Use this service to submit a routine review of your blood pressure.
You can use this service if you:
- are registered at the surgery
- have been invited to do so
Taking your blood pressure at home
In order for you to submit readings using your own device, we ask that the device meets the following criteria:
- Is a validated device, see BIHS List
- Is less than 5 years old
- An upper arm device is preferred
- Have an appropriately sized cuff (basked on mid arm circumference)
Patient information
- Taking your blood pressure at home – Instruction leaflet (PDF)
- Measuring your blood pressure at home – Patient information leaflet (PDF)
- Blood pressure monitoring at home – Step by step guide for patients (PDF)
Before you start
We’ll ask you for:
- your first and last name, date of birth, sex, postcode, email and phone number
- if applicable, the details of the person you are completing the form on behalf of
- up to 7 days of blood pressure readings
You can also phone us on 01953 881247.